February News

Hello CK Westbrook readers,

Well, 2024 has come charging in and shaking things up. There have been some good things and some great things – but I can’t write about them yet. I will send out a newsletter with the latest info the moment I can. As Tom Petty so eloquently sang, “The waiting is the hardest part….” 


In the meantime, here is some interesting news.

There have been fifty-six mass shootings in America in 2024, including a high-profile one at the Super Bowl champs’ parade in Kansas City. It’s only February. If guns made people safe, America would be the safest place in the world…

When will this madness end?

There is a new reason to not use a gun and it came from the Washington Post, Department of Data, research. It seems Republicans are more likely to suffer hearing loss and a big reason may be guns. Americans who have fired 1,000 rounds or more face three times the rate of hearing loss as those who have never fired a gun. This risk factor is up there with diabetes, smoking, and working a job that involves loud noise.

To read more about this fascinating research:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/02/09/hearing-loss-republicans/

With the landing of the unmanned Odysseus on the moon, the U.S. has its first moon landing touchdown in 50 years. Unfortunately, the equipment seems to have toppled over. If they can’t get it righted, perhaps a human will get up there soon (within a few years/decades) to set it straight. Or it can just become more waste and pollution on the moon. NASA paid Intuitive Machines $118 million for the delivery. There is a new space race to get equipment on the moon with Russia, China, India, and Japan, joining America in putting stuff on the moon. The plan seems to be more stuff, then people, and eventually launch people from the moon to other planets. I think it would be better to slow global warming and the biodiversity extinction crisis, stop pollution, and save nature and humans – and then, when Earth is safe, put stuff on the moon.

Podcast Fun

I was interviewed on the Mike Essen Show, South Florida’s Conservative Voice. We discussed science fiction movies and books, “The Impact Series” and more. I was a little nervous about talking to a conservative audience about my books because they include subjects such as gun violence, pollution, climate change, and feminism, but Mike was very polite. I’m happy to bring these stories to a new audience and look forward to doing so more in the future.

Check it out: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/mikeessenshow/2024/02/05/ck-westbrook-author-of-the-judgement

I also had a blast on the Books and Authors Fantasy and Sci-Fi Podcast speaking with Jamie Davis and Scott Walker. Their show covers Epic Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery, and everything in between.

Books and Authors Fantasy and Sci-Fi Podcast, CK Westbrook:  https://jamiedavisbooks.com/2024/01/ck-westbrook-and-the-impact-series-on-podcast-episode-199/

Bookstore Fun

The Shooting is in the Last Word Bookstore in Mt. Airy Maryland!

As was mentioned in a previous newsletter, Washington D.C. and the DMV have more authors than anywhere else in America so it is highly competitive to get shelf space in our too few bookstores. I’m thrilled to have one in The Last Word! It’s a great bookstore – check it out:

The Last Word [Mt. Airy] (thelastwordbookstore.com)  

Meet in Person

I’m so excited to be signing and selling “The Impact Series” at AWESOME CON March 8 – 10 in Washington D.C.!

I will be in the Artist Alley, table C-34 – come by and say hello!

Awesome Con is a celebration of geek culture and brings together 70,000 fans to enjoy games, comics, costume competitions, TV shows, movies, books, art, and more! There will be panel discussions, as well as autograph and photo opportunities with Dean Norris (Breaking Bad), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars), Ming-Na Wen (Star Wars), Rosario Dawson (Star Wars and Josie and the Pussycats), Tom Welling (Smallville), Alaqua Cox and Charlie Cox (Daredevil) and many, many more!

Home - Awesome Con (awesome-con.com)

Artist Alley List - Awesome Con (awesome-con.com)


I would love some additional reviews of The Judgment before Awesome Con!

If you read it, and liked it, and have not yet reviewed it – please do!

Let me know if you need help with doing a review.

Reviews — CK Westbrook

Contact Me

Feel free to email me with any comments or questions about the series. I would love to hear from you!  Ckwestbrook.author@gmail.com

Please follow me at - Author CK Westbrook (@WestbrookCK) / Twitter and CK Westbrook (@ckwestbrook.author) • Instagram photos and videos and TikTok

The Impact Series is available in paperback, e-book, and audio wherever books are sold. https://books2read.com/impact03

As always, thanks to everyone who has read The Shooting, The Collision, and The Judgment!

I can’t express the deep gratitude I have for my readers. Thank you for coming on this fantastic adventure with me!


Did some research for book five which will be published in 2025. This is Lake Okeechobee discharging to lower the lake level and sending 8.4 billion gallons of filthy lake water into rivers and the Indian River Lagoon over four days. We took this picture and witnessed this abuse of nature last weekend.

Bruichladdich handling winter the best he can.

Skye handling winter in her way!


Exciting Impactful News!


Happy New Year!